Unfortunately, marketing video can fail because they simply don’t do what they’re supposed to do.
Whilst you can never guarantee a smash hit video, there are plenty of things to watch out for that will give your video the best chance of achieving their objectives
There are many reasons why a corporate video can flop. Below are some of the most common:
The bottom line is that high-quality video production made by a highly experienced team costs money.
We understand budgets can be tight. Especially for smaller businesses who just don’t have the same marketing budgets to throw at video production.
But quite often we hear horror stories from clients who went for the cheapest quote only to end up with a disaster piece. They then come to us to put it right for them, which means they’ve ended up paying for the video twice.
Inexperienced video makers don’t think about the end objective or whether the video will resonate with the audience. That’s why they’re cheap and that’s why their videos fail.
Nothing makes us quite as sad as seeing an expertly made marketing video sitting on YouTube with the title ‘Marketing promo video v3.mp4.’
It might seem a bit strange, but quite often a company will have a video made and then not know what to do with it.
It then ends up buried on their website or just dumped on YouTube and disappears into the abyss.
It’s important to have a plan about what you’re going to do with your video. Where will it go? Who’s going to see it? What does it need to do?
All of these things will help you increase the effectiveness of your video and stop it from going unseen.
We see videos all the time that leave us thinking “What was the aim with this?!”.
They’re often way too long, include irrelevant details, and often try to cram in too much information into a short amount of time.
There is a trap that some marketers fall into and it’s wanting to include every single detail. We understand, you’re proud of your product/service and you want the world to know.
But all that will do it overwhelm, confuse, and bore your viewer.
Think about car adverts. They don’t go into loads of details about break horse power, stopping distances or mileage per gallon. They show a handful of exciting features to make you want to find out more.
Don’t be afraid to be brutal and cut out everything unnecessary from your script. Just focus on the key benefits. If your viewer is interested they will find out more on their own.
Chances are that you’re using your video as a marketing tool, so make sure that you tell your viewer what they should do next.
Whether that’s a link to a website or an app they should download. You need your video to generate leads.
It’s all well and good if you get 10,000 views, but if none of those people are following up those views with an action, then it’s all wasted.
If a video has poor production quality, you can almost guarantee it will fail. Customers will see the quality of your corporate video as a reflection on the quality of your company.
So you need to make sure it’s impressive. It doesn’t just come down to the visual quality either.
Good video production companies will know how to make sure your video achieves what it needs to and engages your audience.
There are, of course, many other reasons that can contribute to a failing corporate video. Ultimately, the best way to avoid your corporate video failing is to hire people with experience.
They know how to make video look great, serve it’s purpose and will also advise you on how to get the most out of your next corporate video.