If you’re running an event then it stands to reason that you are to want it to be as successful as possible. A big part of this is promoting your event in the lead up to the big day and making sure that people attend. If you get in touch with an event video production London based company then there are many ways that they can help you with this. Of course an event video production company like this can help with filming the event and putting together a video afterwards, but they can work for you long before that.
Press Releases
If you are planning to send out a press release related to your event the you need to make sure that this gets the attention of the journalists and media people that you send this to. One way to do this is to include a video in with your press release. We’re a busy nation and not all journalists will have time to read your news piece – a video gives them a quick and easy way to find out about your event. In fact press releases that include video get 55.4% more views than those that don’t. Of course if viewers like your video and the message you are spreading they can also share this with their friends, which can only be a good thing.
Using Videos On Your Event Website
If you get a video production London based company to make a video promoting your event then you can also use this on your event website. These videos can be designed as adverts, so that people interested in your event can click a button and watch the video within seconds – and immediately start to hear all about your up and coming event and why they should be attending.
Online Marketing
Generally speaking the people who visit your event website will be there because they have already heard about your event and are interested in what you have to say. It is worth considering creating a video and uploading it to YouTube in an attempt to get a little social media marketing going and a whole new audience to watch your event video – and hopefully be tempted to attend!
After The Event
Of course you shouldn’t forget about promotion and raising brand awareness after your event either – especially if it is an event that is likely to be repeated. If you speak to an event video production London based company then they can usually film your event and put together a video afterwards. Not only is this a fantastic way of remembering your event but it can be used to help showcase your talents in the future. This video can be shown to potential clients and customers as well as being placed on your own website. When an event goes well you really want to make sure you get the most out of it and using a video of the event to promote your company even after the event has finished is a great way to do this.
Holler are a corporate videos London & Surrey based company that can advise on all of your video filming and editing needs, so get in touch if you have something we can help with.
If you want to find out more about getting help with event video production London, get in touch with the Holler Team in 020 7112 8665 or email hello@holler.video.
Like what you see? Read our previous blog: “Corporate Videos London: The Importance Of Hiring A Company To Help”