To achieve great results, your videos should inspire your viewers.
Emotion-driven video marketing content is responsible for creating genuine feelings from potential brand advocates. Emotive videos are the sole driver behind meaningful action which compels your audience to act.
However, the emotional response can vary greatly from person to person.
For example, a whiteboard video might not be considered ’emotional’ in the traditional sense, however, it may prove very engaging to some.
Video content that works to drive action is more likely to receive views and downloads than videos that don’t.
The success of your video ultimately depends on how well your content emotionally connects with your audience. If the message effectively makes people like the unspoken character of your brand, then you are succeeding in engaging with your viewers on an emotional level.
Triggering such emotions will motivate your audience to complete the desired action and the video will help increase engagement and ROI.
It is not always necessary to win the hearts of your viewers through flattery or positive content as negative emotions such as greed or fear are also deemed as powerful motivators to compel viewers to take an action.
Some companies use hard-hitting advertising to pull on the viewer’s heartstrings to instigate a positive association.
Although there may be no magic bullet, it’s smart to listen to the pros on how to deliver it correctly.
Take a look through Holler’s Video Portfolio. It is always important to focus on creating a clear vision of the emotion you want your viewers to feel from the first frame of the video. T
his emotion can then be further embodied by the story of your video, which stimulates an emotional reaction leading to a call to action by your viewer.
If you are interested in creating an emotive video get in touch with our team of experts at Holler today.